Tell me why beatles youtube
Tell me why beatles youtube

tell me why beatles youtube

He can thank his female stage persona for the wealth that makes that possible.

tell me why beatles youtube

The media mogul is rumored to be acquiring VH1 and BET. Opinion Granderson: Tyler Perry’s Madea and the war on drag If I keep forgetting that I bought boxed water and it just ages in the pantry, did I still “save”? Or just “buy again”? And I can’t blame Amazon if I buy more now that it’s 30% off under “buy again and save.” That raises a philosophical question though. Last year I might have been under some influence when I bought boxed alkaline water. Speaking of shag rugs: Sativa and online shopping don’t mix well. Not because it has since been marked down 29%, but because it is a purple shag rug. I’m also glad I didn’t pull the trigger on that purple shag rug in the “continue shopping deals in area rugs” bin. Anyway, thank you very much, yes, I would like to stock up now, and I’m glad I didn’t do it last week at full price. It was 25% off under the “deals related to your views” category and 15% off under “savings and sales,” which felt counterintuitive. That’s what kept showing up when I logged in for Prime Day savings (theoretically deep discounts July 11-12, though your results may vary). And it’s not Jeff Bezos’ fault I’m addicted to granola.

Tell me why beatles youtube